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From trij (three[obl. form]) +‎ -nieks.


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trijnieks m (1st declension)

  1. three, number three (digit or figure)
    uzrakstīt trijniekuto write the number three (i.e., 3)
    aplūkosim, piemēram, skaitli 593, kura pirmajā kārtā ir trijniekslet us consider, for example, the number 593, in whose first position is the (digit) three
  2. three (C, satisfactory, a school grade)
    institūtu pabeidza bez neviena trijniekahe finished college without a single three (= he only had better grades)
  3. something with the number three on it
    pīķa trijnieksthe three of spades (playing card)
  4. three (people, animals, objects) together, a trio; a sports team consisting of three people
    man ir trijnieks rokāI have a set of three (nuts) in my hand


Declension of trijnieks (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative trijnieks trijnieki
genitive trijnieka trijnieku
dative trijniekam trijniekiem
accusative trijnieku trijniekus
instrumental trijnieku trijniekiem
locative trijniekā trijniekos
vocative trijniek trijnieki

See also
