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From Middle English *tre-wrighte, from Old English trēowwyrhta (wood-worker, carpenter), equivalent to tree +‎ wright.



treewright (plural treewrights)

  1. (rare, historical, archaic or literary) A worker of wood, carpenter, joiner.
    Synonym: woodwright
    • 2020, Alan Lane, Mark Redknap, Llangorse Crannog:
      The work of the treewright or structural woodworker differed from that of the later medieval carpenter, in the reliance on building by eye, the controlled splitting of timber (rather that sawing), and reliance on unmeasured joints.
    • 2022, Jennifer Ealey, The Dark Amulet Collection:
      Tarkyn hesitated, the cultural violation of taking outsiders uninvited among treewrights warring with his wish to make use of these shamans' skills.

See also
