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tough titty said the kitty

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Chosen for the rhyme. The image is of a kitten suckling at the mother cat's teat, hence the references to milk in the extended variants. First use appears c. 1974. See cite below.



tough titty said the kitty

  1. (humorous) Synonym of tough titty (hard luck; too bad)
    • 1974, Journal of Canadian Fiction, Volume 3, page 39:
      Marv's conversation usually dealt in wise cliches like "Tough titty said the kitty, but the milk's already sour.

Usage notes

  • Sometimes further elaborated into various phrases involving milk: "tough titty said the kitty..."
    • but the milk sure tastes good
    • but the milk's still good
    • but the milk's damn good
    • but the milk tastes fine
    • but the milk's already sour
    • when the milk went dry
    • when the milk wouldn't run; etc.
    • that spilled the milk
    • cause the milk tasted shitty