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From tote +‎ -less.



toteless (not comparable)

  1. (rare) Without a tote or totes (in any sense).
    • 2001 January 3, “Peter”, “Re: Old Planes?”, in rec.woodworking (Usenet):
      The #22 and #24 (toteless) smoothing planes are nice, as are the #35 and #36 (toted) smoothing planes. These are readily obtainable.
    • 2004 February 11, “Mike in Idaho”, “Knight-Toolworks plane question”, in rec.woodworking (Usenet):
      Steve mentioned that most of his scrub orders are toteless (traditional I guess you'd say). In purchasing the Jack I had always assumed I'd get it with the tote because I do like the additional control it gives me with the scrub when I'm planing around grain that's changing direction (knots and such) to avoid massive tearout you can get with a scrub.

