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tornare in sé

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Literally, to return in oneself.



tornare in

  1. to regain consciousness
    Antonym: perdere i sensi
    • 2024 May 19 (last accessed), “Episodi di Stranger Things (seconda stagione) [Episodes of Stranger Things (Second Season)]”, in Wikipedia[1], archived from the original on 4 June 2022:
      Portano così Will in una baracca, affinché non possa riconoscere e localizzare il posto; Jonathan, Joyce e Mike riescono a far tornare in sé Will che, tramite il codice Morse, lascia loro il messaggio "CHIUDETE LA PORTA".
      They thus bring Will into a shack, so that he cannot recognize and localize the place; Jonathan, Joyce and Mike are able to bring Will back to consciousness, who via Morse code, leaves them the message "CLOSE THE DOOR".
      (literally, “... are able to make Will regain consciousness....”)
  2. (figurative, by extension) to come around; to come to one's senses