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Classical Nahuatl




From tla- (thing) +‎ octacaāna (to use as a model, copy).


  • IPA(key): [t͡ɬa.ok.ta.kaˈaːn.t͡ɬi]



tlaoctacaāntli (inanimate)

  1. standard, model
    • 1571, Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, f. 129v. col. 2:
      Tlaoctacaantli.  coſa de que ſe ſaca otra, aſsi / como vna imagen dela qualſacan y pintan o- / tra, o alguna ygleſia, dela qual ſe toma la traça / para hazer otra como ella. &c.
      Tlaoctacaantli. something from which another is derived, such as an image from which another is made or painted, or a church that is traced to make another like it, etc.


  • Alonso de Molina (1571) Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, Editorial Porrúa, page 129