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From tips (type) +‎ -isks. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from some other European language.


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tipisks (definite tipiskais, comparative tipiskāks, superlative vistipiskākais, adverb tipiski)

  1. typical (showing particularly clear features of a certain group or category)
    tipiska lauku ainavatypical rural landscape
    tipisks Latvietisa typical Latvian
    tipiska parādībaa typical phenomenon
    tipiska kļudaa typical mistake
    kad es tagad jatāju sev, vai viņas biogrāfija bija tipiska vai netipiska, nespēju atbildēt viennozīmīgiwhen I now ask myself whether her biography was typical or atypical, I cannot answer unambiguously
  2. typical (showing the most characteristic, most essential features of a certain group or category)
    par tipisku sauc raksturu, kam piemīt noteikta sociāla slāņa vai sabiedrības grupas īpašībasone calls typical a character which shows the qualities, features of a certain social layer or social group





Derived terms
