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terveyden (of health) +‎ tila (state, status)


  • IPA(key): /ˈterʋey̯denˌtilɑ/, [ˈt̪e̞rʋe̞y̯de̞n̪ˌt̪ilɑ̝]
  • Rhymes: -ilɑ
  • Hyphenation(key): ter‧veyden‧tila




  1. health, state of one's health
    Presidentin terveydentila on vakaa.
    The state of President's health is stable.
    Vakuutus kannattaa ottaa silloin, kun terveydentila on hyvä.
    The good time to take an insurance is when one is in good health.


Inflection of terveydentila (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative terveydentila terveydentilat
genitive terveydentilan terveydentilojen
partitive terveydentilaa terveydentiloja
illative terveydentilaan terveydentiloihin
singular plural
nominative terveydentila terveydentilat
accusative nom. terveydentila terveydentilat
gen. terveydentilan
genitive terveydentilan terveydentilojen
terveydentilain rare
partitive terveydentilaa terveydentiloja
inessive terveydentilassa terveydentiloissa
elative terveydentilasta terveydentiloista
illative terveydentilaan terveydentiloihin
adessive terveydentilalla terveydentiloilla
ablative terveydentilalta terveydentiloilta
allative terveydentilalle terveydentiloille
essive terveydentilana terveydentiloina
translative terveydentilaksi terveydentiloiksi
abessive terveydentilatta terveydentiloitta
instructive terveydentiloin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of terveydentila (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)

Further reading
