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Internationalism (see English theorem), ultimately from Late Latin theōrēma.


  • IPA(key): /ˈteoreːmɑ/, [ˈt̪e̞o̞ˌre̞ːmɑ̝]
  • Rhymes: -eːmɑ
  • Hyphenation(key): teo‧ree‧ma




  1. theorem


Inflection of teoreema (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
nominative teoreema teoreemat
genitive teoreeman teoreemojen
partitive teoreemaa teoreemoja
illative teoreemaan teoreemoihin
singular plural
nominative teoreema teoreemat
accusative nom. teoreema teoreemat
gen. teoreeman
genitive teoreeman teoreemojen
teoreemain rare
partitive teoreemaa teoreemoja
inessive teoreemassa teoreemoissa
elative teoreemasta teoreemoista
illative teoreemaan teoreemoihin
adessive teoreemalla teoreemoilla
ablative teoreemalta teoreemoilta
allative teoreemalle teoreemoille
essive teoreemana teoreemoina
translative teoreemaksi teoreemoiksi
abessive teoreematta teoreemoitta
instructive teoreemoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of teoreema (Kotus type 9/kala, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative teoreemani teoreemani
accusative nom. teoreemani teoreemani
gen. teoreemani
genitive teoreemani teoreemojeni
teoreemaini rare
partitive teoreemaani teoreemojani
inessive teoreemassani teoreemoissani
elative teoreemastani teoreemoistani
illative teoreemaani teoreemoihini
adessive teoreemallani teoreemoillani
ablative teoreemaltani teoreemoiltani
allative teoreemalleni teoreemoilleni
essive teoreemanani teoreemoinani
translative teoreemakseni teoreemoikseni
abessive teoreemattani teoreemoittani
comitative teoreemoineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative teoreemasi teoreemasi
accusative nom. teoreemasi teoreemasi
gen. teoreemasi
genitive teoreemasi teoreemojesi
teoreemaisi rare
partitive teoreemaasi teoreemojasi
inessive teoreemassasi teoreemoissasi
elative teoreemastasi teoreemoistasi
illative teoreemaasi teoreemoihisi
adessive teoreemallasi teoreemoillasi
ablative teoreemaltasi teoreemoiltasi
allative teoreemallesi teoreemoillesi
essive teoreemanasi teoreemoinasi
translative teoreemaksesi teoreemoiksesi
abessive teoreemattasi teoreemoittasi
comitative teoreemoinesi

Derived terms


Further reading
