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  1. Alternative form of tax time.
    • 2001, Daniel H. Jones, How to Write a Best-Seller While Keeping Your Day Job!:
      I've rented a tiny office month-to month (expense for tax-time) and gone there on my lunch hour and after work.
    • 2009, Ralph R. Roberts, Flipping Houses For Canadians For Dummies:
      Understanding what kind of cut the CRA will take can help you decide, first, whether a flip is worthwhile, and second, how much money you need to set aside in order to avoid a nasty surprise at tax-time.
    • 2014, Kim Townsend, John William Ward: An American Idealist:
      He told too of the ritual his father would perform at tax-time: he would lay out the IRS forms on the dining-room table, go right to the bottom line, to “Amount Owed,” ask the family, “How much should we give the government this year?”