taharat hamishpacha

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Borrowed from Hebrew טהרת המשפחה (family purity)



taharat hamishpacha (uncountable)

  1. The Jewish laws pertaining to menstruation, given in Leviticus.
    • 2003 May 18, mos...@mm.huji.ac.il, “Actually, only 20% of the Jewish people left Eg”, in soc.culture.jewish.moderated[1] (Usenet):
      That's an _added_ bonus, like avoiding pork products avoids trichonosis or circumscised males are less prone to penile cancer and women who practice taharas hamishpacha are less prone to cervix cancer.
    • 2004 May 23, Susan Cohen, quoting Cindys, “Sheitel Burning in Israel”, in soc.culture.jewish.moderated[2] (Usenet):
      They are "offended" by the laws of taharas hamishpacha and bristle at the idea that women sit behind a mechitza.
    • 2010, Shmuel Goldin, Unlocking the Torah Text: Vayikra, Gefen Publishing House, →ISBN, page 88:
      Numerous scholars [] have opined on potential ways in which adherence to the mandates of taharat hamishpacha can benefit a marriage, including injecting a monthly sense of renewal into the husband-wife relationship, ensuring that the couple learns to relate to each other on levels beyond the physical, cultivating a husband's sensitivity towards his wife during a vulnerable time of the month, sanctifying the physical bond between husband and wife, and more.