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Norwegian Bokmål

Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia has an article on:
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From tåke (fog) +‎ fyrste (prince).



tåkefyrste m (definite singular tåkefyrsten, indefinite plural tåkefyrster, definite plural tåkefyrstene)

  1. (slang, humorous) A person who deliberately expresses themselves in a vague way so as to confuse and forestall further inquiry; an obscurantist.
    • 2015 April 16, “Er Jonas Gahr Støre en tåkefyrste?”, in Nettavisen[1]:
      Kritikerne mener Støre uttaler seg uklart, og han har derfor blitt kalt en «tåkefyrste». Det er en merkelapp Støre selv har uttalt at han ikke setter pris på.
      Critics contend that Støre's statements are unclear, and he has therefore been called a "tåkefyrste". It's a label Støre himself has said he doesn't appreciate.

