- move to the center.
- Oco ecoru cʉ̃rami, ji cʉvede tãumovaquijivʉ yʉ.
- If the rain comes into the house, I will move my things to the center.
- Oco ecoru cʉ̃rami, ji cʉvede tãumovaquijivʉ yʉ.
See also
- to move (from the jungle to a town, from a channel to a river).
- Yapitãcuvei cʉrivʉ bácavʉ tãumovaquemavʉ Mitúi.
- Those who lived in Yapima evidently moved to Mitú.
- Yapitãcuvei cʉrivʉ bácavʉ tãumovaquemavʉ Mitúi.