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syv +‎ sprog +‎ -et




  1. heptalingual
    • 1976, F. J. Billeskov Jansen, Dansk litteratur historie: Fra Runerne til Thomas Kingo, →ISBN:
      ... lyset i stagen, tændt af Gud, var et kristeligt emblem, f. eks. i en samling Monumenta emblematum, af Georgette de Montenay, der kom 1571 i en syvsproget udgave.
      ... the candle in the candlestick, ignited by God, was a Christian emblem, for example in a collection Monumenta emblematum [?], by Georgette de Montenay, which was published in 1571 in a heptalingual edition.
    • 1984, Michael Skovmand, Den sidste turist i Europa: en EF-krimi:
      For at undgå de babyloniske syvsprogede skilte, har man med mellemrum anbragt søjler med pile, cirkler, og andre uudgrundelige tegn.
      So as to avoid the Babylonic heptalingual signs, pillars with arrows, circles and other incomprehensible glyphs have been placed with spaces between.
    • 1908, Gads danske magasin:
      Ud af den Noahs ark, som Bukovinas syvsprogede menneskeverden er, ...
      Out of that Noah's ark which the heptalingual human-world of Bukovina is, ...


Inflection of syvsproget
positive comparative superlative
indefinite common singular syvsproget 2
indefinite neuter singular syvsproget 2
plural syvsprogede 2
definite attributive1 syvsprogede

1 When an adjective is applied predicatively to something definite,
the corresponding "indefinite" form is used.
2 The "indefinite" superlatives may not be used attributively.