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From sweetful +‎ -ly.



sweetfully (comparative more sweetfully, superlative most sweetfully)

  1. (rare) In a sweetful manner.
    • 1783, [John Pinkerton], “A Dissertation on the Comic Ballad”, in Select Scotish Ballads, volume II (Containing Ballads of the Comic Kind), London: [] J. Nichols, pages xxiv and xxvi–xxvii:
      I cannot do this better than in the words of an excellent writer. He forms a fine contraſt by beginning with a deſcription of the Northern parts of Scotland. ‘[] And all theſe ſongs are ſweetfully and powerfully expreſſive of love and tenderneſs, and other emotions ſuited to the tranquillity of paſtoral life.’
    • 1834, E. G. V., “On Receiving a Nosegay”, in The Dew-drop, a Collection of Poems, London: [] Baylis and Leighton, [], page 145:
      And why is this lovely carnation / So sweetfully changing its flush, / More sweet than the quick transformation / In thee, at thine innocent blush?
    • [1860], Edward Gillett, The Song of Solomon in the Norfolk Dialect. From the Authorised English Version., London: Strangeways & Walden, [], VII:9, page 17:
      And the ruff o’ yar mouth liken onto the best wine for my beloved, as go down sweetfully, makin’ the lips o’ them as air asleep to spake.
    • 1882, “Written Expressly for Puck’s Annual by Oscar W-lde”, in Puck’s Annual for 1882, New York, N.Y.: [] Keppler & Schwarzmann:
      I showed mama your commission, and she agreed with me that it was too sweetfully sweet of you altogether.
    • 1892, “Wm. J. Florence’s Grave”, in The Postal Record: A Journal for Postal Employees, volume 5, number 3, New York, N.Y., page 22:
      The monument at the grave in Greenwood now simply inscribed “Florence,” is , by his request, to have engraven on its face the following inscription, which he wrote himself about two months before he died: IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE OF MY MOTHER, [] She passed away peacefully, sweetfully, hopefully, February 22, 1874. in the seventy-second year of her age.
    • 1920, High School Life, page 53:
      “The third verse will be the last,” she said aloud, sweetfully and sorrowfully, then winked broadly at Janet.
    • 1920, Charles Caldwell Dobie, chapter IV, in The Blood Red Dawn, New York, N.Y., London: Harper & Brothers, page 42:
      For a moment she felt uneasy, as if she were being trapped by something sweetfully insidious.
    • 1964, Andres Cristobal Cruz, White Wall: Selected Tondo Stories, Manila: Yeba Publications, page 3:
      I look back, and this is what comes: wave of love upon wave of longing and loneliness, uncertain joy commingling sweetfully, painfully with the knowledge that you are in love like that intense youth along a Tondo estero, looking with hurt eyes at what swarm of stars of piece of moon could be reflected upon the dark tide flowing into the shadows and the night, wondering if GI Joe would ever return the girl you love.
    • 1965, Journal of the University of Bombay, pages 18 and 36:
      [] which is otherwise described as ‘she praised them sweetfully’ (1.119.9). [] The Aśvins’ connection with m a d h u ‘sweet’ — ‘honey’ in particular—would explain why a poet states that the Aśvins brought to the female bees their gift of lovely sweet (1.112.21) and why poets point out that a certain female brought to them (in return an offering of) honey (10.40.6) and she praised them sweetfully (1.119.9).
    • 1993, Index of Trademarks Issued from the United States Patent and Trademark Office: 1992, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, page 1446:
    • 1996, Another Chicago Magazine, page 128:
      Betrayal. Of the mind by the body. Of the person by the mind. No wonder it points everywhere, sweetfully spreading to its offending members. No joint is safe from its vengeful inflammations.
    • 1997, North Dakota Quarterly, page 45:
      On the level of us, the congregated structure in the nothingness that we call skin is something that registers painfully sweetfully, yields and resists and shows its use and renewal in ways that draw us endlessly toward it for solace.
    • 2009, K. A. Victor, K. O. Cynthia, Guns or Roses?, Lulu.com, →ISBN, page 27:
      Oh my goddess! / What is it that makes you arouse? / How did you know you are in need? / What is it that makes you a woman? / What is it in your temple? / Please answer me, for you have known mine / So I could play with it joyfully / And you will laugh and cry sweetfully / So i[sic] could get the power / The power to make you my goddess / My goddess of Aphrodite
    • 2018, Debb Thorne Madore, Riversmoke: ‘Raising Liaisons’, Lulu, →ISBN:
      Fruitful questions, sweetfully spread, harvest abundance, sustenance fed