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Possible cognates include Inupiaq suli- (to make, to do), Yup'ik cali- (to work), and Inuinnaqtun hulijakhaq ("do, something to do").





suliaq (plural suliat)

  1. work, employment
  2. action
  3. case, piece of work
    • 2016, Tamanut, issue 86, Sermitsiaq
      Qeqertarsuarmi inunnik isumaginnittoqarfik aamma Ilaqutariit Illuat suliaq aallaqqaataaniit malinnaavigaat, immikkulli avataaniit kommunip ikiorserneqarnissaa pisariaqarluinnarsimasoq, Henrik Solóy oqarpoq.
      Henrik Solóy also states that the social services office and the family house in Qeqertarsuaq have continuously followed the case, but there was a need for more resources and help from outside, which the municipality has subsequently provided.


Declension of suliaq
case singular plural
absolutive suliaq suliat
ergative suliap
allative suliamut sulianut
ablative suliamit sulianit
prolative suliakkut suliatigut
locative suliami suliani
instrumental suliamik sulianik
equative suliatut


  • oqaasileriffik
  • Lorentzen, S. Den grønlandske ordbog, at oqaasileriffik.gl
  • Jacobsen, S. (1995). A Practical Grammar of the Central Alaskan Yup'ik Eskimo Language, Alaskan Language Native Center
  • Seiler, W. (2012). Iñupiatun Eskimo Dictionary, SIL International
  • Nunavut Arctic College (NAC) (2010). Inuinnaqtun\English Dictionary. Kitikmeot Heritage Society.