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Blend of suicide +‎ fuel.


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suifuel (uncountable)

  1. (incel slang) Something which causes or intensifies suicidal ideation and feelings of hopelessness.
    • 2020 February 19, Jake Hall, “Investigating the insidious rise of the gay incel”, in Dazed:
      The ‘blackpills’ (read: hopeless nihilists) amongst them share ‘suifuel’ (suicidal rant) posts stating there’s no hope, and encouraging fellow incels to kill themselves.
    • 2020, anonymous, quoted in Emma Nyström, "'What becomes of the broken-hearted?': En socialantropologisk studie om männen som kallar sig incels", thesis submitted to Lund University, page 28:
      i went through one of my chad coworker’s social media. Worst decision of my life, absolute suifuel. 500 likes on every picture.
    • 2020, anonymous, quoted in Kirsti Sippel, "'Tuhoutukoot naiset maailmani mukana': Incel paineen varaventtiilinä, ideologiana ja yhteiskunnallisena ilmiönä", thesis submitted to the University of Turku, page 36:
      For me it is pure suifuel when I meet girls in my age group. Knowing that I have no chance with them makes me really sad. Hopefully my upcoming nose surgery will change that, let's hope so.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:suifuel.

Alternative forms


