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strula (present strular, preterite strulade, supine strulat, imperative strula)

  1. to malfunction, to cause trouble; to act up
    Synonym: krångla
    Tvättmaskinen strular igen
    The washing machine is acting up again
  2. to work on (something that's acting up)
    Synonym: krångla
    Jag sitter och strular med datorn
    I'm sitting here fighting my computer
  3. (slang) to make out
    Hon strulade med honom
    She made out with him


Conjugation of strula (weak)
active passive
infinitive strula strulas
supine strulat strulats
imperative strula
imper. plural1 strulen
present past present past
indicative strular strulade strulas strulades
ind. plural1 strula strulade strulas strulades
subjunctive2 strule strulade strules strulades
present participle strulande
past participle strulad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

Derived terms


