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steam +‎ -sona



steamsona (plural steamsonas)

  1. (fandom slang, neologism) A persona developed to be used within the steampunk subculture.
    • 2012, Diana M. Pho, quoted in Jeff VanderMeer & S. J. Chambers, The Steampunk Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Imaginary Airships, Corsets and Goggles, Mad Scientists, and Strange Literature, page 152:
      My 'steamsona' has a backstory based on alternative historical Indochina, []
    • 2013, Katherine Gleason, Anatomy of Steampunk: The Fashion of Victorian Futurism, page 171:
      Many steamsonas are created around professions or are derived from trades.
    • 2014, Paul Roland, Steampunk: Back to the Future with the New Victorians, unnumbered page:
      So choose your persona, or steamsona, as it is known, and let's do a little shopping: []