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See also: star jump





starjump (plural starjumps)

  1. Alternative spelling of star jump
    • 1999 January 14, Brian Yeoh, “Re: UL? Of killing tanks, goats, & the vacuum affect”, in alt.folklore.military (Usenet):
      Running in place has got to be one of the more pointless things you do. Betcha they could have gotten the same results by making you do 50 starjumps before firing though...
    • 2002, Bev Dunbar, Exploring 6-10, Nelson Thornes, →ISBN, page 67:
      The leader calls out some number instructions for the rest of the class to follow (e.g. "Fatima says: do 5 starjumps … 3 kneebends, no headshakes …)
    • 2005, Chris McCabe, “A New Iraqi Flag”, in The Hutton Inquiry, Salt Publishing, →ISBN, page 141:
      —one, two—blow gold from starjumps