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Barometra stabiņš (2)



From stabs (pole, post) +‎ -iņš (dim.).



stabiņš m (1st declension)

  1. diminutive of stabs
  2. column (part of a thermometer or barometer: a thin tube filled with a liquid substance, usually mercury)
    spirta, ūdens stabiņšalcohol, water column
    dzīvsudraba stabiņa milimetrsmillimeter of mercury
    termometra stabiņš noslīdēja līdz divdesmit diviem gradiem zem nullesthe thermometer (column) dropped till twenty-two degrees below zero
    dzīvsudraba stabiņš termometrā bija uzkāpis pāri četrdesmit grādiemthe mercury (column) in the thermometer had gone up beyond the 40 degrees
  3. column (a set of words, ciphers, etc. written one above the other)
    burtu stabiņša column of letters
  4. (crochet) a move in which the thread is pulled through two or more loops


Declension of stabiņš (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative stabiņš stabiņi
genitive stabiņa stabiņu
dative stabiņam stabiņiem
accusative stabiņu stabiņus
instrumental stabiņu stabiņiem
locative stabiņā stabiņos
vocative stabiņ stabiņi