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spy upp

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spy upp (present spyr upp, preterite spydde upp, supine spytt upp, imperative spy upp)

  1. (transitive) to throw up
    Han spydde upp den äckliga grejen han just ätit
    He threw up the disgusting thing he had just eaten

Usage notes


Plain spy can also be used transitively, with similar differences in nuance as for "vomit something" compared to "throw something up."


Conjugation of spy (weak)
active passive
infinitive spy upp spys upp
supine spytt upp spytts upp
imperative spy upp
imper. plural1 spyn upp
present past present past
indicative spyr upp spydde upp spys upp spyddes upp
ind. plural1 spy upp spydde upp spys upp spyddes upp
subjunctive2 spy upp spydde upp spys upp spyddes upp
present participle uppspyende
past participle uppspydd

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

