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From spožs (bright) +‎ -ums.


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spožums m (1st declension)

  1. (physics, of lights, light sources) brightness (the subjective perception of the intensity per unit of area of a source of light)
    spuldzes spožumsthe brightness of a light bulb
    saules spožumsbrightness of the sun
    lai salīdzinātu... dažādus gaismas avotus pēc to gaismas stipruma un spožuma, jāveic fotometriskie mērījumiin order to compare... various light sources according to light intensity and brightness, one must use photometric measurements
  2. (of other objects) brightness, shininess, shine
    saule nogāja, bet norieta spožums taisījās turēties ilgithe sun went down, but the brightness of the sunset was going to remain for a while
    Jānim bija jābrīnās par meitenes acu spožumu: piemīlīgāku un dzidrāku gaismu viņš nekad nebija redzējisJānis was surprised by the brightness of the girls' eyes: never before had he seen such a sweet, clear light
  3. (usually in the plural) shiny objects
    Mazajai Dzidrai ļoti interesēja mātesbrāļa mundiera spožumi: pogas, uzpleči, zīmotnes ar zvaigznītēmLittle Dzidra was very interested in the shiny things in her uncle's uniform: buttons, shoulder straps, insignias with little stars
  4. brilliance, magnificence (the quality of that which is brilliant, outstanding, remarkable)
    slava spožumsthe brilliance, magnificence of fame
    māksliniecei raksturīgs liels spožums dziedājumos(this) artist is characterized by great brilliance in (her) singing
  5. (of people, their lives) luxuriousness
    kažu svinību spožuma nebijathere was no luxuriousness of (= in the) wedding


Declension of spožums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative spožums
genitive spožuma
dative spožumam
accusative spožumu
instrumental spožumu
locative spožumā
vocative spožum

