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spela in

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The audio recording sense is explained by SAOB (letter S edited 1983, [SPELA IN.fb 8.b]) as a specialization of spela in brudparet i stugan.



spela in (present spelar in, preterite spelade in, supine spelat in, imperative spela in)

  1. to record (audio or video), to film, to cut (a record)
    • 1908, Nordisk familjebok vol. 10, column 104
      Det, som skall återgifvas, sjunges (spelas, talas) in i en upptagningsapparats ljudtratt
      That, which shall be rendered, is sung (played, spoken) into the sound horn of a recording device
  2. (archaic) to make a short appearance
    Synonym: göra ett inspel
  3. (archaic) to bombard
  4. to influence
    Tidigare domar spelade in i straffet.
    Previous verdicts influenced the punishment.
  5. to rehearse (a theatre play)
    Synonym: öva in
  6. to earn (of a show)
    filmen spelade in 3 miljoner kronor på premiärkvällen
    the movie took in 3 million kronor on its opening night
  7. to move (inwards) in a sport or game
  8. to play music with an intended direction, e.g. to make a wedding couple enter a house;
    spela in brudparet i stugan(please add an English translation of this usage example)


Conjugation of spela (weak)
active passive
infinitive spela in spelas in
supine spelat in spelats in
imperative spela in
imper. plural1 spelen in
present past present past
indicative spelar in spelade in spelas in spelades in
ind. plural1 spela in spelade in spelas in spelades in
subjunctive2 spele in spelade in speles in spelades in
present participle inspelande
past participle inspelad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


See also




