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From sleek +‎ -ish.



sleekish (comparative more sleekish, superlative most sleekish)

  1. Somewhat sleek.
    • 1899, John Kendrick Bangs, The dreamers[1], page 128:
      Hast thou one laudable Alsatian glow / To compensate, commensurate, and condign / For all these dastard, sleekish qualms of mine ?
    • 1965, Brian James, The Big Burn: Short Stories[2], page 147:
      Mr Ernest Rowland was young, sleekish, and confident.
    • 1988 October 14, S.L. Wisenberg, “How to Touch Michael Dukakis's Left Hand”, in Chicago Reader[3]:
      Follow a sleekish young woman with blond hair.