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slam +‎ -a. Cognate of German schlammen, schlämmen.



slamma (present slammar, preterite slammade, supine slammat, imperative slamma)

  1. silt up
  2. desilt
  3. whitewash (paint over with a lime and water mixture)
    Synonym: kalkstryka

Usage notes

  • In the sense "silt up", typically with a particle such as igen or till.
  • In the sense "desilt", typically with a particle such as av or bort.


Conjugation of slamma (weak)
active passive
infinitive slamma slammas
supine slammat slammats
imperative slamma
imper. plural1 slammen
present past present past
indicative slammar slammade slammas slammades
ind. plural1 slamma slammade slammas slammades
subjunctive2 slamme slammade slammes slammades
present participle slammande
past participle slammad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


