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skalte ud

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From skalte +‎ ud. Calque of German ausschalten (to turn off).


  • IPA(key): /ˈsɡaltə/, [ˈsɡ̊ald̥ə]



skalte ud (past tense skaltede ud, past participle skaltet ud)

  1. (archaic) to turn off
    • 1916, Povl Drachmann, Kampens Mænd, section 47:
      nu kunde hun se, at han aldeles ikke havde glemt, at hun var med, men at han blot havde skaltet hende ud af sine Bevidsthedscentrer i de Øjeblikke, da deres fulde Kapacitet krævedes for andre Ting.
      Now she saw that he had not forgot that she was with him, but only switched her out of his centers of consciousness as long as their full capacity were needed for other matters.


Conjugation of skalte ud
active passive
present skalter ud skaltes ud
past skaltede ud skaltedes ud
infinitive skalte ud skaltes ud
imperative skalt ud
present skaltende ud
past skaltet ud
(auxiliary verb have)
gerund skalten ud