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Univerbation of +‎ no.






  1. but (on the contrary)
    Els pares no es van barallar sinó que van anar al cinema.The old ones were not angry with each other, but they went to the cinema together.

Further reading






Borrowed from English snow.





sinó m (uncountable)

  1. (US) snow
    Synonym: neve
    • Manuel Cardoso, Nesta triste ocasião, published in 1982, Eduardo Mayone Dias, Cantares de Além-Mar, page 31:
      Muitas vezes me levanto / Em terrado no sino
      Many times I get up / Buried in the snow
    • 1978, Jerónimo Golçalves Trigueiro, Os Dois Aventureiros, published in 1982, Eduardo Mayone Dias, Cantares de Além-Mar, page 105:
      O estado de Nova Yorque, / Tanta água que chovia; / No estado de Massachusetts / Só «sinó» é que caía.
      [In] the state of New York, / So much water rained; / In the state of Massachusetts / Only snow had been falling.
    • 2000, Onésimo Teotónio Almeida, (Sapa)teia americana: (contos), Edições Salamandra, page 174:
      [] , mas disse-me a Maria do Palinhas que o homem ouviu dizer no chápe que aquele sinó é dado cair nas montanhas, []
      [] , but Maria from Palinhas told me that she heard a man say in the factory that that snow tends to fall in the mountains, []