1997 April 8, B Jones, “Re: To all Fanfic authors...”, in rec.arts.anime.fandom[4] (Usenet):
Probably so he can post some truly disgusting darkfic/deathfic/sickfic/hatefic, like Soun doing ungodly things to his children as an explanation for their behaviour...or at least Kasumi.
1998 January 22, Soton, “Re: [POLL] Truly awful fanfics”, in alt.fan.sailor-moon[5] (Usenet):
But somehow, calling a[sic] fanfic is giving it too much regard. Sickfic would be more like it.
1999 May 6, badfic, “Re: ScullyKinkStoriesBANNED”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative[6] (Usenet):
Sickfic is hard-core pornography with a thin gloss of XF over it, with themes such as sex with children, sex with animals, incest, rape, torture, and scat.