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See shquaj (I distinguish, discern) (shquaj (distinguish) +‎ -r (-ed)).


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i shquar (feminine plural të shqúar)

  1. famous, prominent, notorious
    Synonyms: shkëlqyer, famshëm, dëgjuar, njohur
  2. outstanding, remarkable
    Synonyms: dalë, jashtëzakonshme, mrekullueshëm, vërejtur
  3. important; of great/special value
    Synonym: rëndësishme
  4. distinguished, notable, noted
    Synonyms: dalluar, dukshëm
  5. (linguistics) definite
    Synonyms: përcaktuar, caktuar
    Antonyms: pashquar, pacaktuar



shquar (masculine adjectival i shquar, feminine singular e shquar, masculine plural shquar, feminine plural shquara)

  1. participle of shquaj
  2. participle of shquhem
  3. participle of shquhet



shqúar n (pl (të) shqúarit)

  1. definition, definiteness
    Synonym: shquarje

shquar m (definite (i) shqúar)

  1. a famous, prominent, notorious one/person (male person)
    Synonyms: shkëlqyer, famshëm, dëgjuar, njohur
  2. an outstanding or remarkable one/person
    Synonyms: dalë, mrekullueshëm, vërejtur
  3. an important one/person; a great, special one/person
  4. a distinguished, notable, noted one/person
    Synonym: dalluar

Further reading

  • shquar”, in FGJSH: Fjalor i gjuhës shqipe [Dictionary of the Albanian language] (in Albanian), 2006
  • FGJSSH: Fjalor i gjuhës së sotme shqipe [Dictionary of the modern Albanian language]‎[1], 1980
  • Newmark, L. (1999) “shquar”, in Oxford Albanian-English Dictionary[2]