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From serbs (Serb) +‎ -isks.



serbisks (definite serbiskais, comparative serbiskāks, superlative visserbiskākais, adverb serbiski)

  1. Serbian (relating to the Serbian language; relating to Serbs or to Serbia)
    koncerts bija tik serbisksthe concert was so Serbian

Usage notes


English “Serbian” as an attributive adjective usually corresponds in Latvian to serbu, the genitive plural form of serbs. The adjective serbisks is commonly used as a predicate (“this is Serbian”), or in its adverbial form serbiski.


Indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of serbisks
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) feminine (sieviešu dzimte)
singular plural singular plural
nominative serbisks serbiski serbiska serbiskas
genitive serbiska serbisku serbiskas serbisku
dative serbiskam serbiskiem serbiskai serbiskām
accusative serbisku serbiskus serbisku serbiskas
instrumental serbisku serbiskiem serbisku serbiskām
locative serbiskā serbiskos serbiskā serbiskās