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From seksīgs (sexy) +‎ -ums (with seksīgs from sekss (sex) +‎ -īgs). Apparently a neologism; still not mentioned in academic dictionaries, but quite frequent in the media.



seksīgums m (1st declension)

  1. sexiness, hotness (the quality of that which sexy, hot, desirable)
    seksīguma čempionssexiness champion
    kāds ir cilvēka seksīguma noslēpums?what is the secret of a person's sexiness?
    vai seksualitāte ir tikai seksīgums?is sexuality only sexiness?
    seksīgums ir dvēseles stāvoklis un noskaņojumssexiness is a state of mind and a mood


Declension of seksīgums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative seksīgums
genitive seksīguma
dative seksīgumam
accusative seksīgumu
instrumental seksīgumu
locative seksīgumā
vocative seksīgum