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From sauss (dry) +‎ -ums.



sausums m (1st declension)

  1. drought (significant long-term reduction in rainfall, leading to the depletion of the water reserves of the soil)
    ilgstošs sausumsprolonged drought
    bet tad iestājās sausums: lietus nelija un nelija... labības stiebri panīkabut then there was the drought: rain kept not coming... the grain stalks collapsed
  2. dry land (area where there is little or no water)
    vēzis var ilgāk izturēt sausumā, tomēr arī viņš visu laiku cenšas nokļūt ūdenīcrab(s) can survive longer on dry land, but they keep trying all the time to get into water
    justies kā zivij sausumā, uz sausumato feel like a fish in dry land
  3. dryness (the state or quality of that which is dry, contains little or no water)
    augsnes sausumssoil dryness
    gaisa sausumsair dryness
    ādas sausumsskin dryness
    mutē tāds sausums, ka mēle lipa pie aukslējāmin (his) mouth there was such dryness that (his) tongue stuck to the palate
  4. dryness (the quality of that which is dry, not emotional, not showing compassion or concern)
    'māsa žurnālistes darbā bija tālu gājusi uz priekšu: dokumentālais sausums, kas agrāk pavadīja katru viņas uzrakstīto rindu, bija pazudis(his) sister had gone far forward (= made progress): the documentary dryness that in the past led her every written line had disappeared


Declension of sausums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative sausums
genitive sausuma
dative sausumam
accusative sausumu
instrumental sausumu
locative sausumā
vocative sausum

