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sat sapienti

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Abbreviation of Latin dictum sapienti sat est, "that which is said is sufficient for the wise".



sat sapienti

  1. enough said
    • 1951, Johannes V. Jensen, Tilblivelsen: Revideret udgave af Dyrenes Forvandling, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
      Men skal vi nu ikke sige sat sapienti, som Forfædre med en Dannelse og store Børneflokke plejede at udtrykke sig!
      But shall we not now say sat sapienti, as ancestors with education and large crowds of children used to say!
    • 1833, Christian Hvild Bredahl, Dramatiske soener: uddragne af et aeldgammelt haandskrift. Frit oversatte af det Kyhlamske, page 172:
      Her maa man gaae varsomt tilværks ! Hun kan faae Indflydelse og — sat Sapienti !
      Here must one proceed carefully! She might gain influence and — well, you know.

Further reading
