santa libro
[edit]Proper noun
[edit]- Holy Book
- (idiomatic, somewhat derogatory, dated) Fundamento de Esperanto or any early work in Esperanto
- 1911-1912, Progreso, Progreso - Triesma Yaro, Librairie Ch. Delagrave, page 360:
- Publike li predikas la kulto di la Fundamento, ma sekrete li preparas ula reformeti, qui violacas la santa libro.
- Publicly they preach the cult of the Fundamento, byt in secrete they prepare some small reforms, which violates the Fundamento.
- 1925, Louis de Beaufront, Kompleta Gramatiko detaloza di la linguo internaciona Ido, Meier-Heucke, Esch, page 146:
- 1e pro ke, ye -ec-, la santa libro dicas « ec » indikas (abstrakte); do, sen « ec », l'abstrakteso ne indikesas;
- Firstly, because about -ec-, the Fundamento says « ec » indicate (in abstract); therefore, without « ec », the abstractness is not indicated;
- 1911, Svenska kemistsamfundet, Svensk kemisk tidskrift - Volume 23, page 93:
- Sa primitiva charto, redaktita da la 27 yari evanta Zamenhof, esas santa libro, tabuo, quan tuchar reformeme esas sakrilejo.
- Its primitive charter, written by the 27-year-old Zamenhof, is the Unua Libro, taboo, which reforming is a sacrilege.
- 1911-1912, Progreso, Progreso - Triesma Yaro, Librairie Ch. Delagrave, page 360:
Related terms
[edit]- santa linguo (“Esperanto”)