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samman (together) +‎ blanda (mix)



sammanblanda (present sammanblandar, preterite sammanblandade, supine sammanblandat, imperative sammanblanda)

  1. to mix, to intermingle, to commingle
    Företagens tillgångar hade sammanblandats, och ofta visste ingen längre vem som ägde vad
    The assets of the companies had become mixed up, and often no one knew anymore who owned what
  2. to mix up (confuse)
    Synonym: förväxla
    en fisk som ofta sammanblandas med gös
    a fish that's often confused with zander


Conjugation of sammanblanda (weak)
active passive
infinitive sammanblanda sammanblandas
supine sammanblandat sammanblandats
imperative sammanblanda
imper. plural1 sammanblanden
present past present past
indicative sammanblandar sammanblandade sammanblandas sammanblandades
ind. plural1 sammanblanda sammanblandade sammanblandas sammanblandades
subjunctive2 sammanblande sammanblandade sammanblandes sammanblandades
present participle sammanblandande
past participle sammanblandad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

