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Old Irish


Alternative forms




From sóer +‎ -aid.





sóeraid (prototonic ·sóera, verbal noun sóerad)

  1. to free, liberate
  2. to save, rescue, deliver
    • c. 800–825, Diarmait, Milan Glosses on the Psalms, published in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 7–483, Ml. 90c19
      Ní fetar indam·ṡoírfad Día fa nacc.
      I do not know whether God would deliver me or not.


Simple, class A I present, s preterite, f future, a subjunctive
1st sg 2nd sg 3rd sg 1st pl 2nd pl 3rd pl passive sg passive pl
present indicative abs. soírai sóerait
conj. ·soírai ·soíra, ·sóera ·sóerat ·sáerthar ·soírtar, ·sáertar
rel. sóeras sáerthar soírtar, sáertar
imperfect indicative ·sóerad, ·soírad ·soírthae, ·soírdae
preterite abs. sóersai sóerais
conj. ·sóerais ·sóer, ·soír, ·sáer ·sáersat
rel. sóeras
perfect deut. ro·sóerais ro·sóer, ro·soír
future abs. soírfid soírfithir
conj. ·soírfa, ·soírfea ·soerfaider ·soírfetar
conditional ·soírfad, ·soírfed, ·soírbed ·soírfitis
present subjunctive abs. soírae, sóerae soírthae, soírdae sóerait
conj. ·soírae, ·sóerae ·soíra, ·sóera ·sóerat ·sáerthar ·soírtar, ·sáertar
rel. sáerthar soírtar, sáertar
past subjunctive sóerad, ·soírad
imperative sóer, soír, sáer
verbal noun sóerad, soírad
past participle sóerthae
verbal of necessity


  • Middle Irish: sáeraid


Mutation of sóeraid
radical lenition nasalization
sóeraid ṡóeraid unchanged

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Old Irish.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Further reading
