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See also: saval





+‎ väl




  1. (with som (as)) as well (as) (and also and equally)
    Det Nisse sysslar med är olagligt såväl som omoraliskt
    What Nisse is doing is illegal as well as immoral
    På festivalen finns karuseller såväl som prova på-aktiviteter och mycket annat [som är] roligt
    At the festival, there are carousels as well as try-out activities and lots of other fun things to do [and a lot of other things [that are] fun (or, "other stuff [that is] fun," which is closer to the intuition, with a singular)]
    Bulnader uppstodo på spåmännen såväl som på alla andra egyptier (archaic language)
    Boils appeared on the magicians as well as on all the other Egyptians (Exodus 9:11)
  2. (with som (as)) both ... and (equally)
    Såväl gamla som unga mår bra av daglig motion
    Both old and young benefit from [feel good from] daily exercise / Old as well as young benefit from daily exercise

Usage notes


Corresponds to "As well old as young ..." in (sense 2), except ungrammatical or archaic in English.

