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rot bilong pekpek

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Tok Pisin




From rot (route) +‎ bilong (of) +‎ pekpek (feces).



rot bilong pekpek

  1. anus
    • 2019 February, Angela Kelly-Hanku, Stephen Andrew Bell, Sophe Ase, Ruthy Neo, Andrew Vallely, Steve Badman, Claire E. Nightingale, Johanna Wapling, “Developing a culturally appropriate illustrated tool for the self-collection of anorectal specimens for the testing of sexually transmitted infections: lessons from Papua New Guinea”, in BMC Public Health[1]:
      In the original illustration in Fig. 1, the word ‘anus’ is re-ferred to in stages 7–10 of the illustrated tool. The mostanatomically correct description for the anus in TokPisin, ‘rot bilong pekpek’ literally translates to ‘the passage belonging to faeces’.