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From rheol +‎ -i.





rheoli (first-person singular present rheolaf)

  1. to govern, to rule
  2. to control
  3. to manage
  4. to regulate
  5. to restrain


Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future rheolaf rheoli rheola rheolwn rheolwch rheolant rheolir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
rheolwn rheolit rheolai rheolem rheolech rheolent rheolid
preterite rheolais rheolaist rheolodd rheolasom rheolasoch rheolasant rheolwyd
pluperfect rheolaswn rheolasit rheolasai rheolasem rheolasech rheolasent rheolasid, rheolesid
present subjunctive rheolwyf rheolych rheolo rheolom rheoloch rheolont rheoler
imperative rheola rheoled rheolwn rheolwch rheolent rheoler
verbal noun rheoli
verbal adjectives rheoledig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future rheola i,
rheolaf i
rheoli di rheolith o/e/hi,
rheoliff e/hi
rheolwn ni rheolwch chi rheolan nhw
conditional rheolwn i,
rheolswn i
rheolet ti,
rheolset ti
rheolai fo/fe/hi,
rheolsai fo/fe/hi
rheolen ni,
rheolsen ni
rheolech chi,
rheolsech chi
rheolen nhw,
rheolsen nhw
preterite rheolais i,
rheoles i
rheolaist ti,
rheolest ti
rheolodd o/e/hi rheolon ni rheoloch chi rheolon nhw
imperative rheola rheolwch

Derived terms



Mutated forms of rheoli
radical soft nasal aspirate
rheoli reoli unchanged unchanged

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.