2004 August 4, not a whoriental, “are liberals and jews trying to sell yellow peril?”, in alt.asian-movies[1] (Usenet):
however, let's not forget the retardlicans are the most prominent supporters of zionism by proping[sic] a satelite[sic] israeli state in order to destablize[sic] the middle-east region over oil
2005 August 18, E.L. Chamberlain, “Pro-America Rally in Crawford Draws Fierce Backlash”, in alt.politics.republicans[2] (Usenet):
Actually it's you retardlicans who drove over the crosses and tried to use a shotgun to intimadate[sic] the peaceful pansy liberal protestors.
2004 September 6, default, “Re: Asian-Americans for Bush/Cheney”, in soc.culture.vietnamese[3] (Usenet):
how's liberal propanganda[sic] different from retardlican propaganda? we ain't the ones with malkin, rush, et al constantly bashing and keeping people of color down.
2004 September 14, Scream Machine, “Boycott CBS Sponsors”, in alt.politics.libertarian[4] (Usenet):
Ever since this retardlican administration has taken power, news reporting has been turned upside down.
2010 November 8, Hillbilly Palin, “Republicans lie of the day”, in alt.fan.rush-limbaugh[5] (Usenet):
Can't answer so attack the messenger, typical retardlican response.