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From racionāls (rational) +‎ -ists. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from some other European language.


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racionālists m (1st declension, feminine form: racionāliste)

  1. (philosophy) (male) rationalist (a supporter or advocate of rationalism)
    racionālisti materiālisti, piemēram, Dekarts un Spinoza, balstījās uz matemātiku; no tā izrietēja viņu uzskati par telpu un laikurationalist-materialists such as Descartes and Spinoza, base themselves on mathematics; from it derives their views on space and time
  2. (male) rationalist (a man who acts rationally, showing a reasoned attitude toward reality, based on logics, reason and thought)
    siena pļavā, kā dainās teikts, “zālīte ziedā mirst...” tikai viena un turklāt ums, racionālistiem, pārlieku saldsērīga rinda; taču ir vērts to izlasīt bez nievīgumain the hay meadow, as is said in the folk songs, “the grass dies in flower...” only one (line), and also, to us rationalists, a very sentimental one; but it is worthwhile to read it without scorn
  3. (architecture) (male) rationalist (architect who follows the school of rationalism)
  4. (art) (male) rationalist (artist whose creative work is characterized by rationalism)


Declension of racionālists (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative racionālists racionālisti
genitive racionālista racionālistu
dative racionālistam racionālistiem
accusative racionālistu racionālistus
instrumental racionālistu racionālistiem
locative racionālistā racionālistos
vocative racionālist racionālisti