See also: rax
Related terms
[edit]- räx aqan (“green snake”)
- räx ch’aych’obinaq (“worn out; sore from hard work; severely afflicted”)
- räx ch’ich’ (“iron; steel”)
- räx che’ (“evergreen oak”)
- räx kab (“honey”)
- räx kinaq’ (“green beans; string beans”)
- räx no’s (“peacock”)
- räx q’or (“corn dough drink”)
- räx räj u wo ri kaj (“blue like the sky”)
- räx räj u wo ri q’ayes (“green like the grass”)
- räx tew (“malaria”)
- räx wa’choj (“grey”)
- räxarik (“to bruise”)
- räxarisaj (“to make green”)
- räxk’ux (“half-boiled; under-cooked”)
- räxkiaq’ab (“rainbow”)
- räxq’ab (“night dew; dew”)
- räxq’än (“act of turning green (from nausea or motion sickness)”)
- räxroj (“light green color; pale blue”)
- räxwäch (“black corn”)
- ulew räx (“moist earth”)
- -ya’ -ib räxq’än (“to become green”)
[edit]- Allen J. Christenson, Kʼiche-English dictionary