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From pro- +‎ létat.





prolétat impf (perfective proletět or prolétnout)

  1. to fly over
  2. to fly through
    Neštěstí se stalo, když letadlo prolétal oblastí s hustou mlhou.The accident occurred when the plane was flying through a thick fog.


Conjugation of prolétat
infinitive prolétat, prolétati active adjective prolétající
verbal noun passive adjective
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person prolétám prolétáme prolétejme
2nd person prolétáš prolétáte prolétej prolétejte
3rd person prolétá prolétají

The future tense: a combination of a future form of být + infinitive prolétat.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate prolétal prolétali
masculine inanimate prolétaly
feminine prolétala
neuter prolétalo prolétala
transgressives present past
masculine singular prolétaje
feminine + neuter singular prolétajíc
plural prolétajíce