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probablely (comparative more probablely, superlative most probablely)

  1. Obsolete form of probably.
    • 1627, George Hakewill, An Apologie of the Power and Providence of God in the Government of the World: Or, an Examination and Censure of the Common Errour Touching Natures Perpetuall and Vniversall Decay: Lib. III, Oxford: Iohn Lichfield, page 184:
      If then it ſhall appeare that the daily bread allowed by the Ancients to their ſervants & ſouldiers, was no more then is by vs allowed at this day to ours, it will, as I take it, from thence be more then probablely inferred, that the common ſtature & ſtrength of our bodies, is not ſomuch inferiour to theirs, as is commonly ſuppoſed.
    • 1649, Thomas Johnson, transl., The Workes of That Famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey, London: Richard Cotes and William Du-gard, translation of original by Ambroise Paré, page 115:
      Wherefore Columbus hath found out a new way, which is, that the blood is carryed to the lungs by the vena arterioſa, and there attenuated; and carried from thence together with the air by the Arteria venoſa to the left ventricle of the heart; this he writes truly very probablely.
    • 1682, The Laws and Acts of Parliament Made by King James the First, and His Royal Successors, Kings and Queen of Scotland, Edinburgh: Iosua van Solingen, Iohn Colmar, page 498:
      Sum pretending to claime annual-rents & few dewties of landes, fallen in fore-faltour of many zeires preceeding: Quhilkis probablely ar taken away be poſteriour richtes or diſcharges, conſiled or abstracted be the ſaid perſones fore-falted.