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primitive element

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primitive element (plural primitive elements)

  1. (algebra, field theory) An element that generates a simple extension.
    • 2009, Henning Stichtenoth, Algebraic Function Fields and Codes, 2nd edition, Springer, page 330:
      An algebraic extension is called simple if for some . The element is called a primitive element for . Every finite separable algebraic field extension is simple.
      Suppose that is a finite separable extension and is an infinite subset of . Then there exists a primitive element of the form with .
  2. (algebra, field theory, of a finite field) An element that generates the multiplicative group of a given Galois field (finite field).
    • 1996, J. J. Spilker, Jr. Chapter 3: GPS Signal Structure and Theoretical Performance, Bradford W. Parkinson, James J. Spilker (editors), Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications, Volume 1, AIAA, page 114,
      Likewise, , etc., namely, the elements are all expressed as powers of and because , is termed a primitive element of . []
      Furthermore, if the irreducible polynomial has a primitive element (where ) that is a root, then the polynomial is termed a primitive polynomial and corresponds to the polynomial for a maximal length feedback shift register.
    • 2003, Soonhak Kwon, Chang Hoon Kim, Chun Pyu Hong, Efficient Exponentiation for a Class of Finite Fields GF(2n) Determined by Gauss Periods, Colin D. Walter, Çetin K. Koç, Christof Paar (editors), Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, CHES 2003: 5th International Workshop, Proceedings, Springer, LNCS 2779, page 228,
      Also in the case of a Gauss period of type , i.e. a type I optimal normal element, we find a primitive element in which is a sparse polynomial of a type I optimal normal element and we propose a fast exponentiation algorithm which is applicable for both software and hardware purposes.
    • 2008, Stephen D. Cohen, Mateja Preśern, The Hansen-Mullen Primitivity Comjecture: Completion of Proof, James McKee, James Fraser McKee, Chris Smyth (editors, Number Theory and Polynomials, Cambridge University Press, page 89,
      For a power of a prime , let be the finite field of order . Its multiplicative group is cyclic of order and a generator of is called a primitive element of . More generally, a primitive element of , the unique extension of degree of , is the root of a (necessarily monic and automatically irreducible) primitive polynomial of degree .
      Here, necessarily, must be a primitive element of , since this is the norm of a root of the polynomial.
  3. (number theory) Given a modulus n, a number g such that every number coprime to n is congruent (modulo n) to some power of g; equivalently, a generator of the multiplicative field of integers modulo n.
    • 1972, W. Wesley Peterson, E. J. Weldon, Jr., Error-correcting Codes, The MIT Press, 2nd Edition, page 457,
      Let be a prime number for which is a primitive element. Then is divisible by .
  4. (algebra, lattice theory, of a lattice) An element that is not a positive integer multiple of another element of the lattice.
    • 1985, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, Volume 1, Real Sociedad Matemática Española, page 111:
      But suppose so that for some totally positive unit and so that is everywhere locally a primitive element of the -lattice .
  5. (algebra, of a coalgebra over an element g) An element xC such that μ(x) = xg + gx, where μ is the comultiplication and g is an element that maps to the multiplicative identity 1 of the base field under the counit (in particular, if C is a bialgebra, g = 1).
    • 2009, Masoud Khalkhali, Basic Noncommutative Geometry, European Mathematical Society, page 29,
      A primitive element of a Hopf algebra is an element such that
      It is easily seen that the bracket of two primitive elements is again a primitive element. It follows that primitive elements form a Lie algebra. For any element of is primitive and in fact using the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Win theorem, one can show that the set of primitive elements of coincides with the Lie algebra .
  6. (group theory, of a free group) An element of a free generating set of a given free group.
    • 2004, Dmitry Y. Bormotov, “Experimenting with Primitive Elements in F2”, in Alexandre Borovik, Alexei G. Myasnikov, editors, Computational and Experimental Group Theory: AMS-ASL Joint Special Session, American Mathematical Society, page 215:
      In this paper we apply regression models and other pattern recognition techniques to the task of classifying primitive elements of a free group.

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