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  1. present participle and gerund of pretotype




  1. (neologism) The process of building pretotypes to test the viability of a product before attempting to actually prototype it.
    • 2013, Penny Pullan, James Archer, Business Analysis and Leadership: Influencing Change, →ISBN, page 129:
      Pretotyping differs from prototyping in that the main objective of prototyping is to answer questions related to building the product: Can we build it? Will it work as expected? How much will it cost to build? The purpose of pretotyping is to answer questions about the product's appeal and usage: Would people want this product? Will they use it as expected?
    • 2014, Hugh Thompson, Bob Sullivan, Getting Unstuck: Break Free of the Plateau Effect, →ISBN:
      With pretotyping, you never have to say "Sorry, it's not worth experimenting with that idea," because there are hardly any barriers to entry.
    • 2014, Nicolas Gouy, Agile with Guts, →ISBN, page 90:
      Different techniques can be used to crash-test software when the product is not yet finalized (this comes from the pretotyping approach by Alberto Savoia [Savoia12]):