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From preterm +‎ -er.



pretermer (plural pretermers)

  1. Synonym of preemie (baby born prematurely).
    • 1968, Kenneth S. Shepard, Care of the well baby:
      This particular subject will not be discussed in detail in this text because, as mentioned above, we are concerned here with the normal, and "pretermers" are certainly not the normal.
    • 2010, Heidi Murkoff, What To Expect The 1st Year:
      Though such signs may be a sign that something's wrong in full-term babies, they're usually nothing to worry about in pretermers. (Still, they should be evaluated by the doctor, and physical therapy should be begun if necessary.)
    • 2015, N. D. Embleton, J. Katz, E.E. Ziegler, Low-Birthweight Baby: Born Too Soon or Too Small:
      There is increasing evidence that 'late pretermers' (34–37 weeks' GA) have increased risk of developmental and behavioral problems, but any effect of human milk fortification in this group has not been extensively studied.