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presa in giro

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Literally, making-fun-of. From prendere in giro (to tease).



presa in giro f (plural prese in giro)

  1. (idiomatic) leg-pull, farce
    • 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 23, in Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
      E, anche se io non ero quasi mai oggetto di queste prese in giro, uno degli uomini di McChrystal aveva constatato come il suo capo fosse rimasto deluso dal nostro incontro appena prima che lo nominassi comandante della coalizione, lasciando intendere che avrei dovuto riservare al generale una maggiore considerazione.
      And while I'm largely spared most of the mockery, a member of McChrystal's team notes his boss's disappointment in our meeting right before I appointed him coalition commander, suggesting that I should have given the general more personal attention.
      (literally, “And, even if I was almost never the object of these leg-pulls, one of McChrystal's men noted how his boss had remained disappointed by our meeting right before I nominated him coalition commander, suggesting that I should have reserved more consideration for the general.”)

