[edit]From prepare + -ment; perhaps modelled on Middle French preparement;[1] compare Medieval Latin praeparāmentum.
[edit]preparement (countable and uncountable, plural preparements)
- Preparation.
- a. 1541, letter to Margaret Tudor; quoted in Mary Anne Everett Green, “Margaret, Eldest Daughter of Henry VII.”, in Lives of the Princesses of England, from the Norman Conquest, volume IV, London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longman, & Roberts, 1857, pages 472–473:
- Whose highness, so far off by distance of place, so endued with felicity which oftentimes might cause oblivion, and continually busied with manifold weighty matters concerning the governance of his realm, yet nevertheless among such exceeding occasions of impediment, hath never suffered the remembrance of your grace to be absent from his heart, as well appeareth by his liberal readiness always in a preparement with diligent succour to condescend unto your necessities, not only in things behoveable to the use of this mortal life, but also with godly advertisement to the increase of your immortal felicity, for the which his highness looketh no further recompense than furtherance of your honour, corresponding to the nobility of your estate, agreeable with God’s laws, which in this life he accounteth his chief glory, delight, and comfort.
- [1563?], The Courte of Venus. Newly and Diligently Corrected with Many Proper Ballades Newly Amended, and Also Added Thervnto Which Haue Not Before Bene Imprinted., [London]: [T. Marshe], folios 2, verso – 3, recto:
- To the mount of Cethro, wher Venus doth dwel / The preparement made is so farre exceding / That of such triumphe no storyes doth tel / That is aboue al other so farre transcending / And for the whyle, she had me by copying / Of these complayntes which doth folow / And after that I should know the matter thorow
- 1615, Edward Weston, The Triall of Christian Truht, by the Rules of the Vertues, Namelie These Principall, Faith, Hope, Charitie, and Religion: Seruing for the Discouerie of Heresie, and Antichrist, in His Forerunners and Misteries of Iniquitie. The Second Parte, Entreating of Hope. Wherein Is Made manifest, That the Pretended Hope of the Protestant, Empeaching the Merits of Christ, His Holy Grace, and Man His Vertuouse Life, Destroyeth All True Confidence in Allmightie God, Either Exceding in Presumption, or Wanting in Desperation., Doway: […] the Widdow of Laurence Kellam, […] , page 21:
- 3. Of which matter the sacred Counsell of Trent entreating determineth & maketh remonstrance, how faith inciteth a person offendant to al such vertuous preparements, as are required to his perfecte iustification, & remission of his sinnes: […]
- [1623?], Owin Felltham, Resolues Diuine, Morall Politicall, London: […] [George Purslowe] for Henry Seile, page 126:
- His feare in him begets delay, and delay breedes that he feares, danger: the souldier that dares not fight, affoords the Enemie too much aduantage for his preparement;
- 17th or 18th century, a law of the original Massachusetts Colony; quoted in Eric Sloane, The Little Red Schoolhouse, 1972:
- collidge preparement
- 1814, Cutliff Harmon deeding sixty-four acres of land; quoted in Betty N. Smith, Jane Hicks Gentry: A Singer Among Singers, 1998, page 15:
- better maintenance and preparement
- 1829, Thomas Doubleday, Dioclesian. A Dramatic Poem., London: Hurst, Chance, and Co., act III, scene I, page 105:
- I fly, my Lord—And ere I go wait but to be informed, / That mine preparement may accord with it, / How far may point this destination?
- 1846 August, J. W. Shelton, “The Writings of Charles Lamb. An Essay.”, in The United States Magazine, and Democratic Review, volume XIX, number XCVIII, New York, N.Y., page 124:
- He did not modulate his temper to any of their “soft recorders;” their best agreements sounded harsh and wrangling; chorus, strophe, and antistrophe were alike displeasing; and the full, consentient voices of men, on many subjects, struck his peculiar nerves like the first preparement of an orchestra.
- 1859 Christmas, “Christmas Festivities at Windsor Castle”, in The Family Friend, London: Ward and Lock, page 353:
- Although the mummery, masking, and rude revelry of Queen Elizabeth’s days has been changed for more orderly proceedings, the preparement and the proper celebration of this great national festival has not lost any of its former importance;
- 1870, T. L. Behan, Bulletins and Other State Intelligence for the Year 1867. In Two Parts. Compiled and Arranged from the Official Documents Published in the London Gazette., part II (July to December), London: […] Harrison and Sons, page 1363:
- Preparement of Rolls for Payment of Central India Prize Money
- 1891 November 1, “William Center’s Career Closed. Suicide of the Nephew of the Founder of the Mission. He Went Into the Basement and Shot Himself Twice in the Head—Sickness Caused His Mind to Wane.”, in The Sunday Call, volume LXX, number 154, San Francisco, Calif., page 2:
- Instead of being taken to the Morgue the remains were turned over to an undertaker for preparement for burial.
- 1892 July 5, Henry Kay, ““Silvering the Olden Gold,””, in The St. Joseph Herald, volume XLI, number 190, St. Joseph, Mo., published 8 July 1892, page 4:
- English-speaking people owe large gratitude to this eminent scholar and linguist [Noah Webster], for the inualuable[sic] contributions and Herculean life-work thus freely bestowed in preparement of the “American Dictionary.”
- 1897 January 31, D. N. R., “Na-Hont-ku. On Her Sickness, Death, and Mummyification. Her Royal Connection—Treatment in Illness—Customary Arrangement with Embalmers—Manner of Embalming—Bestowal of Amulets and Scarabs.”, in Davenport Sunday Democrat[1], Davenport, Iowa:
- Na-Hont-ku being of royal connection in some way or other,—to what extent no one can tell till her wraps are examined,—and maybe not then, since evidence that they robbed royal tombs before Moses’ day, and re-wrapped the mummies, looted of their luxuriance, is common enough; yet it may be safe to say that within the forty days that her body remained in the hands of the embalmers her preparement was ample.
- 1897 February 9, “Inspector’s Cases Continued”, in The Wilmington Daily Republican[2], Wilmington, Del.:
- The matter finally ended in the preparement of an affidavit signed and sworn to by James F. Early that Mr. Harkins was absent and could not be secured until the next term of Court.
- 1897 March 9, “McKinley’s Inaugural Address. A Special Session of Congress Announced to Convene March 15th.”, in The Searchlight[3], volume 3, number 12, Redding, Calif.:
- From a plea for economy, the President [William McKinley] drops easily into a discussion of the tariff, which he declares must be increased “without delay, hindrance of preparement.”
- 1898, Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division-Fourth Department, page 100:
- I have all to do with preparement of the tax roll.
- 1903, Wilshire’s Magazine, page 48:
- Here the processes of personal preparement, and the mere slacked sitting at the board, are useful in themselves;
- 1905 July 11, “Wait a Month. Devlin Creditors Will Then Get a Report. Will Show What Are Assets and Liabilities. Time Is Extended. Purpose to Give Mr. Devlin Time to Recover. Assistant U. S. Attorney Hears Nothing of Criminal Action.”, in The Topeka State Journal, Topeka, Kan., page 6:
- Attorneys for the receivers of the Devlin properties appeared today before Judge S. H. Bethea in the United States district court here and announced preparement of a proposed attempt to institute federal bankruptcy proceedings here against Charles J. Devlin, who owns two-thirds of the stock of the Topeka bank.
- 1921, National Eclectic Medical Association Quarterly, page 646:
- She develops physicially,[sic] showing more gracefulness and the preparement for motherhood.
- 1931 March 20, Investigation of Air Mail and Ocean Mail Contracts: Hearings Before a Special Committee on Investigation of Air Mail and Ocean Mail Contracts, United States Senate, Seventy-Third Congress, Second Session, part 9 (May 14 to 25, 1934), Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, published 1934, page 4013:
- For your information I enclose herewith clipping from yesterday’s New York Times regarding my appearance in Washington before the commission for considering policies for preparement for war, and to take the profit out of war, of which the Secretary of War, the Honorable Patrick J. Hurley, is chairman.
- 1941, Canadian Geographical Journal, page 169:
- Portfolios in the national or federal “cabinet” or commissariats are divided more or less as follows: defence, foreign affairs, foreign trade, railways, water transport, communications, sea transport, ferrous metallurgy and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, aviation, shipbuilding, armaments, munitions, heavy machine-building, medium machine-building and general machine-building, navy preparement, coal industry, fuel industry.
- 1946, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives of New Zealand, page 3:
- Whereas it is necessary that provision should be made for the good health and convenience of inhabitants of towns and their neighborhood, and whereas the inhabitants themselves are best qualified as well as by their own intimate knowledge of local affairs as by their more direct interest therein, effectually to provide for the same, and whereas the habit of self-government in such cases has been found to keep alive the spirit of self-reliance and respect for the laws, and to preparement for the due exercise of other political privileges, be it therefore enacted, &c.
- 1949, American Law Reports Annotated, page 526:
- Attention is also directed to Glucol Mfg. Co. v. Schulist (1927) 239 Mich 70, 214 NW 152, where the court pointed out that the Michigan statute was inapplicable, because defendant former employee had not agreed not to engage in a similar business—which would have been a contract that the statute would have made invalid—but had only agreed that he would not use the secret formulae or chemical prescriptions of plaintiff, his former employer, for the preparement of certain pastes, which formulae were the property of plaintiff seeking an injunction.
- 1960, Tennessee Blue Book, page 116:
- Develops high standards of food procurement, preparement, and service.
- 1963, National Defense Transportation Journal, page 74:
- Through their efforts, Wichita, Kansas, ranks first in the Nation in preparement in the event of an emergency.
- 1970, Highway Safety Occupational Opportunities, page 2:
- August 10, 1970 Mr. Joseph R. Amato Chief, Contracts and Preparement Division
- 1970, Проблемы обработки почвы, page 10:
- It is found that very often wheat grown on nonplowed areas (with only surface disking for the preparement of the seed beds) gives higher yields (K. Pavlov, A. Hristov etc.).
- 1971, Stephen H. Butter, Legal Rights to Draft Deferments, page 64:
- Other persons are not required to register: commissioned officers, warrant officers, pay clerks, enlisted men, aviation cadets of the regular army, the navy, the air force, the marine corps, the national guard, cadets of the United States Military Academy, midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy, cadets of the United States Coast Guard Academy, midshipmen of the Merchant Marine Reserve or the United States Naval Reserve, students enrolled in an officer preparement program at military colleges the curriculum of which is approved by the Secretary of Defense, members of the Reserve Component of the Armed Forces, the Coast Guard, and the Public Health Service.
- 1975, Proceedings of the American Railway Engineering Association, page 131:
- 2. Industrial a. Layout b. Site Preparement c. Track Construction
- 1976, Tax Reform Act of 1975: Hearings Before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, Ninety-Fourth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 10612, an Act to Reform the Tax Laws of the United States, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, page 2501:
- Each preparement must furnish to taxpayers a copy of the return or claim for refund prepared by the tax return preparer at the time the return is presented for the taxpayer’s signature.
- 1977, Élan Vital, page 42:
- You need first internal preparement for that Knowledge; then you will get it.
- 1988, Philip A. Vale, editor, Financial Management Handbook, 3rd edition, page 180:
- On the working papers it is easiest to run through the calculation from the charge by item to the profit budget, adding opening creditors and deducting opening preparements.
- 1985, Vasile Alexandrescu, Romania in World War I: A Synopsis of Military History, page 51:
- In consequence of the defeat sustained in the Mărăști sector, the Central Powers Command hastened the preparements for resuming the offensive aimed at crushing the Russian and Romanian armies, taking hold of entire Moldavia, thereby driving Romania out of the war.
- 1991, Helsinki 31.V. - 6.VI. 1988, page 148:
- After minute preparements, the action was triggered off during the night of November 16/17 1769; the princely guard led by the sword-bearer and in cooperation with a corps of 700 volunteers, peasants from the areas of Putna and Râmnicu Sărat, attacked the Ottoman forces deployed in the capital.
- 1991, David Starkey, editor, Henry VIII: A European Court in England, page 65:
- Beyond the archway the tiltyard gallery led to the disguising house ‘ordained to be made for pastime and to do solace to strangers, the preparements of an house called the long house to be furnished of work of pleasure for revels of disguising and masking’.
- 1992 May 13, Amy Graham, “Education quality here generally good”, in The Daily Review, volume 30, number 95, Morgan City, La., page 1:
- The LEAP test preparement is excellent.
- 2001, Hearings on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001—H.R. 4205 and Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs, Before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, page 266:
- Let me say on behalf of myself and my colleagues that we are most appreciative for your leadership, both as the Chairman of the Subcommittee, but equally appreciative of your leadership and preparement of the National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus, for what you and your colleagues on the Committee do for us in supporting the men and women who serve in America’s Guard and Reserve.
- 2007, Robert Popper, The Timewaster Diaries: A Year in the Life of Robin Cooper, Sphere, →ISBN:
- Rita had invited Linda and Ian around for dinner, so in the afternoon I helped with the necessary preparements. […] Helped Rita with the preparements for tomorrow’s Christmas lunch.
[edit]- ^ “preparement, n.”, in OED Online
, Oxford: Oxford University Press, launched 2000.